The table lamp was developed over the course of seven weeks as part of the "Materials in Design" course curriculum in the School of Interactive arts and Technology. We as a team need to design a table lamp using two materials: metal and paper card. The main goal of this project is to create a table lamp using the randomly assigned two materials while incorporating course material into the design process and fulfilling the requirements for the final design.
We began by collecting as many resources as we could, from libraries, and online so we could get a better sense of the two materials to build our lamp: metal and paper card. We did one poster for each of the two materials. Afterward, we did some exploration of possible lamp forms by doing sketches of our lamp. Later on, we built physical prototypes of the lamp and tested out the materials used for our lamp design. We made many iterations before coming up with our final lamp design.
We ended up with a fully functional well-designed table lamp and did a great job for our final lamp poster.