The table lamp was created during a span of seven weeks as a component of the "Materials in Design" course program within the School of Interactive Arts and Technology. As a team, we must create a table lamp utilizing two materials: metal and paper card. The primary objective of this project is to design a table lamp utilizing the two materials assigned randomly, while integrating course content into the design process and meeting the final design criteria.
We started by gathering as many resources as possible, from libraries and online, to gain a clearer understanding of the two materials for constructing our lamp: metal and paper card. We created one poster for each of the two materials. Subsequently, we explored various lamp designs by creating sketches of our lamp. Subsequently, we created physical prototypes of the lamp and evaluated the materials chosen for our lamp design. We went through numerous iterations before settling on our final lamp design.
We created a fully operational, well-designed table lamp and produced an excellent final poster for our lamp.